Marriage Made in Heaven

Prepare for Marriage with
Building Your Marriage Upon the Rock

Todd Heather

Todd and Heather

Building Your Marriage Upon the Rock is a great premarital study guide! We found that it encourages frank discussion on real life topics while providing answers based on specific Bible verses. It goes much deeper than we expected and covers sensitive yet extremely important areas in a very gracious and respectful manner. We learned more about one another (and ourselves) by going through the book with our mentors than we did in the entire year we were dating prior to our engagement. 

This book and counseling establish the true meaning of being married, understanding the covenant we were about to make with God, and how to provide Heather the love that Jesus shows to the church. ––Todd

Using this study guide has helped me understand what my husband needs from me. From what I have learned, I am better prepared to be the godly wife the Lord has called me to be ––Heather

Married life is wonderful, and it has also been a learning experience of patience, of communication, and of adopting one another’s families. Amazingly, these topics, as well as many other critical topics, are addressed in Building Your Marriage Upon the Rock.

Although you never can prepare totally for what each day brings, it is reassuring to know that we have already “broken the ice” on many of these topics in our premarital counseling. As much as we love each other, marriage still takes work, and it ultimately takes Jesus being the center of our relationship to hold it all together. We continue learning and growing and are using God’s Word and material from the workbook to grow in Him and better understand each other’s needs.

We couldn’t imagine what our first months of marriage would have been like without Building Your Marriage Upon the Rock. We strongly encourage other couples to use this workbook to help solidify their relationship with one another and with the Lord.

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